Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Stretches (improving flexibility): HAMSTRINGS

I'm only going to post two stretches for now, because it takes too long to download many pictures at once. This is already my third attempt at putting pictures in...well I guess third time's the charm! For the previous two times, it wouldn't even be done in hours; then Firefox would randomly crash and cancel the loading. So that was a huge waste of time. :(

Anyway, I mainly have leg stretches, and the two here are specifically for loosening up the hamstrings (basically the muscle of the back of your leg/behind your knee). They're pretty basic stretches you may have seen before, but the reason you see people doing them all the time is because they stretch really well! Alright now let's get to business...

"Figure 4"
This stretch is called the Figure 4 because the leg position looks a little like the number "4."
1) Sit on the ground with one leg straight in front of you.
2) The other leg is bent and horizontal to the floor. Your knee should not face the ceiling.
3) Lean forward as much as you can and try to lie flat on the straight leg.
You should feel a stretch in the hamstring of your straight leg. Since it only stretches one side, remember to repeat on the other!
If you want to challenge yourself, flex the foot of your straight leg. 

All you have to do is hold a pike position. This can be done sitting or standing. I don't have any standing pictures, but it's pretty much the same as the sitting. Just tilt your head to the side and you'll see it. :)
1) Sit on the ground with both legs straight in front of you.
2) Lean forward as much as you can. Your goal should be to touch your face to your legs.
You should feel a stretch in both your hamstrings this time.
Again, flex your feet if you want to intensify your stretch.
1) Stand with your legs hip-width apart.
2) Bend down and try to touch your toes. Try pressing your lower abdomen between your legs/try keeping your back straight -- it stretches more.

I hope this helped! Stay tuned for more stretches. ;)

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